NOMAD Summer 2022 Magazine

It all begins with an idea…

NOMAD has been working on newsletter to send to everyone associated with NOMAD, we would like to give you an update on the work that we have been over the past year.

This newsletter has turned into more of a magazine due to the sheer volume of sessions, activities, trips and events that have happened.

The main objective over this past year was for the young people to feel supported coming out of lockdown, the affect that the pandemic has had on all of us is clear.

Why a Magazine?

The young people have lost so much during this time, and before we could move onto the next phase of NOMAD we needed a period to recognise this.

NOMAD Arc House was open consistently for the first time since obtaining it in October 2020, understanding how to run this building in line with NOMAD’s values was a huge challenge- and this newsletter is a glimpse of the outcome.




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