Youth Group

Creative writing session focusing on: 

‘What storytelling means to you?’

Youth Group

Our Youth sessions play a significant role in enhancing the recognition and sense of inclusion for these  individuals. It provides them with the confidence and self-esteem that might have been stripped away as strangers, primarily coming from refugee and migrant  backgrounds.

After enduring a long journey of  displacement and hardship, young people often struggle to find a sense of belonging, both in their home country and in the UK.

These sessions have included creative writing and storytelling, dance, yoga, awareness workshops about various youth related subjects such as mental health,  personal development, and behavioural change.

Our goal is to create a platform for young people to navigate these complexities, express  themselves, and foster a sense of belonging through writing and sharing their stories with each other.


“Call me by my name” Knife crime research.


Girls Group