On Saturday 29th August 2020 NOMAD re-launched their new artistic hub which was originally launched on the 26th of February 2020 but due to COVID-19 restrictions could not be used.
The event brought together such inspiring and uplifting young people and community leaders.
The event featured performances from several local artists such as EPIC, a Hip-Hop Project based in Harrow
What A Day!
We are so grateful to everyone who was able to come and was apart of an uplifting and inspiring day with the theme of carnival celebrating 4 years of NOMAD as a charity. We also want to thank all the amazing local artists who performed and also exhibited their art work.
Thank you to all those who participated in the workshops as well as those volunteered during the event to make it as special as it was. We loved being able to use our platform and the space to celebrate all the local community who have stepped up during these difficult few months
Please be aware that social distancing measures were put in to place during the event and government guidelines were followed, with love and respect we made sure all abided by this as we want Nomads Arc to be a place of love, unity and hope.
As restrictions are relaxed, Nomads Arc will be a versatile space running activities, working with the community and local businesses to bring people together with social distancing measures in place.